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What You Should Know About CA Bail Bonds

Ca Bail Bonds

What are CA Bail Bonds?
CA Bail Bonds are bail bonds that are issued in the state of California. The issuance of bail bonds and the fees associated with obtaining bail bonds are placed under state law; this characteristic simply denotes that bail bonds and the characteristics associated with the instrument will fluctuate based on state regulation.

Furthermore, all bail bondsmen in the state of California must obtain the appropriate licenses to legally practice and offer CA bail bonds. All bail bondsmen and the coordinating credit agencies and court systems that institute the contractual agreements associated with CA bail bonds must adhere to the state’s stringent regulations regarding the practice.

CA Bail Bonds may be issued to alleged criminal defendants who qualify for the obtainment of a bail bond. CA bail bonds are offered at a fixed percentage rate of an individual’s total bail; typically CA Bail Bonds are offered at 10% of the individual’s total bail amount. As a result of this fixed and diminished cost, CA bail bonds enable the criminally accused to mitigate their bail payments.

When CA bail bonds are agreed upon the accused individual, the issuing bond agency and the underlying court system, the individual is free to leave jail until his or her anointed court date. This relationship established a guarantee that the accused party will show up to his or her expected court date; if the individual fails to show up to court a bounty hunter will be issued to retrieve the individual.

The fundamental function of CA bail bonds is to diminish the over-crowding of jails, cut costs associated with housing inmates, while guaranteeing the alleged to make their court appearances. As a result, the bail bond agency will not be paid unless the individual shows up to court—the fees associated with CA bail bonds are kept by the court system if the promise to show up for court is not fulfilled.

Laws and licensing requirements associated with CA Bail Bonds:

Applicable State Statutes for CA Bail Bonds: California Insurance Code, Div. 1, Part 2, Ch. 7, Sections 1800-1823, (hereafter referred to as IC). 1) Under IC 1800.6, cities and counties are free to enact further regulations not in conflict with the IC sections cited above in A. California Penal Code, Part 2, Title 10, Ch. 1, Article 5.5, Sections 1299-1317 (hereafter referred to as PC).California Code of Regulations, Title 10, Ch. 5, Sections 2053 et seq .

Licensing Requirements for Bail Bondsman in California: CA bail bonds provide the obtainment of three kinds of bail licenses: the bail agents’ license, the bail permitees’ license, and the bail solicitors’ license. The requirements of such license include: a notice of appointment on file with commissioner by a surety insurer, the filing of an application in the form prescribed by the commissioner with supporting documents, the filing of annual notices and applications to keep licenses in force and payment of fees; taking and passing a written exam given by the commissioner; to qualify the applicant must complete 12 hours of classroom education in pertinent subjects.

Prior to renewal of license, the individual must complete annually no less than six hours of continuing classroom education on pertinent subjects. The individual, to negotiate and deliver CA bail bonds, must also pay a license application fee to the state. The regulatory body who enforces such rules is the Insurance Department of California.

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